USAAI does its best to provide our accommodation details as they become available. In the event that the information you need is not yet posted, please contact the USAAI office.
If you have travelers that have departed within the past several days and you have not heard from them yet, please DON’T PANIC! There are a variety of very normal reasons that they have not gotten in touch yet. A couple of the most common tend to be:
Schedule – Our athletes start their tour from the minute they are picked up at the airport. Activities are scheduled throughout the arrival day, and sometimes the groups do not check into their hotel until evening.
Jet Lag/Time Difference – Touring on arrival day is one way we help athletes cope with any jet lag they may experience. The more we can make it like a regular day (without any naps or down time), the easier it is to adjust. It does, however, make for an extremely long first day. It’s very normal for our groups to choose to go straight to bed as soon as we check into our first hotel to try and recuperate, and for some it takes an extra day to adjust.
Limited Access to Internet – Internet access/capability varies depending on the location of the group. Some athletes opt to wait until they have access to something much more stable or affordable to make their calls. Internet can typically be accessed by purchasing time, whether it is at the hotel or an Internet café.